• Beauty starts within, why not start with New Me?

  • Best part of our product is that it's 100% natural!

  • No special diet or exercise needed! Just a simple daily intake.

Explore our products

$22 every month

30 Day Monthly Subscription

30 Day Root Supply



90 Day Root Supply

Our Story

New Me started with having many people struggling with weight in mind. For one reason or another we might not have the time to go to the gym or can’t seem to stop overeating…

Benefits on starting New Me tejocote root - Los Beneficios


-No special diet or exercise needed (better results if you eat healthy & drink water)

  • No necesitas de una dieta especial o hacer ejercio se le aconseja beber suficiente agua

-Helps reduce body fat and helps with obesity with no bounce back

  • Ayuda a reducir la grasa del cuerpo y ayuda con la obesidad sin rebote

-Helps with your metabolism by breaking down food faster

  • Ayuda a regularizar tu metabolism

-You will be taking New Me root every day or every other day (once a day) for the first months. Your body will become regulated and you will be able to take it once weekly just to maintain the weight and help with digestion,

  • Se debe tomar una New Me tejocote una vez al dia o una cada dos dias los primeros meses. Tu cuerpo se va a regularisar y lo podras tomar tan solo una vez a la semana para mantener tu peso deseado y ayudar con digestion,

Eliminates stomach bloating

  • Elimina la inflamacion estomacal

Helps reduce the amount of meal consumption

  • Ayuda a reducir la cantidad de consumo de alimentos

-Clears the face of acne leaving it smooth

  • Ayuda a aclarar el rostro de espinillas

_Helps with fluid retention also known as water weight

  • Ayuda a eliminar la retencion de liquidos

-It is 100% NATURAL

  • Es un producto 100% NATURAL

-The New Me tejocote root helps you become more fertile since hormones become regularized.

  • El tejocote New Me ayuda con la fertilidad ya que regulariza las hormonas

-Detoxifies the body & reduces cellulite

  • Desintoxica tu cuerpo y reduce la cellulitis

-You will feel amazing because beauty starts within

  • Te sentiras increiblemente bien, porque la belleza comienza por dentro

-Results vary in every person

  • Resultados varea en cada persona

-Side effects may or may not include; body soreness due to detox ( we recommend you intake enough water to hydrate your muscles) Tiredness in some cases (This is due to the lack of potassium so we do recommend you consume your daily potassium